

Figuring out

your needs

Meeting with you to understand the specific needs of your assignment as well as the profile sought. This first step is essential to immerse ourselves in your organizational culture and to ensure that we target your needs. During this meeting, we share some market information and we discuss the research strategy that we will adopt.

Implementation of a strategy and market mapping to reach the ideal target sought by our customers. Since we are real “professional hunters”, we find the best talent on the market through direct approaches where we are likely to find candidates. We support our approach with help from technological tools such as:

  • Our exclusive database
  • Our network of contacts and our various business networks
  • Our Boolean and advanced search tools
  • Strategic use of social media and posting
  • Geotargeting and advanced statistics analysis


your assignment


your assignment

Implementation of a strategy and market mapping to reach the ideal target sought by our customers. Since we are real “professional hunters”, we find the best talent on the market through direct approaches where we are likely to find candidates. We support our approach with help from technological tools such as:

  • Our exclusive database
  • Our network of contacts and our various business networks
  • Our Boolean and advanced search tools
  • Strategic use of social media and posting
  • Geotargeting and advanced statistics analysis


The success of a recruitment assignment lies in our ability to attract the right candidates during the selection process and to properly represent your employer brand. We know our customers and the challenges related to positions. We are able to explain them well in order to receive the best resources during the evaluation stage. We favour a confidential approach based on direct contact with outstanding professionalism and the candidate is at the center of our focus. Throughout this crucial step, a research and market intelligence progress report is routed to the customer on a weekly basis.

A professional and confidential interview based on a behavioral approach is conducted for all candidates considered during the process. Knowing what you’re looking for is important, but you also need to be able to predict success.





A professional and confidential interview based on a behavioral approach is conducted for all candidates considered during the process. Knowing what you’re looking for is important, but you also need to be able to predict success.



We recommend the best candidates available on the market and provide an explanation of the profiles in a constructive discussion with the client. Candidate CVs are accompanied by evaluation sheets according to the skills required and evaluated.


In collaboration with the client, we coordinate each step related to the logistics of the assignment. In order to provide you with support and keep our candidates active and alive throughout the process, we perform the following tasks:

  • Scheduling customer interviews
  • Taking professional references
  • Providing coaching and constructive feedback to unsuccessful candidates
  • Psychometric testing of finalist candidates
  • Negotiating the wage offer and providing salary advice



We offer integration coaching to the selected candidate and post-hiring follow-up with the client during the first 6 months of employment. Our goal is to set everything up to ensure the success of each recruitment.